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Fabrication / Animatronics / Electronics

to Bring Alive

Everything in these pictures is from years of trial and error. since I am self taught I have learned over the years how NOT to blow things up when working with electronics but every now and then, something still burns out.


When you start adding LEDS and servos motors to a project, not only does it add to the over all esthetic of the costume or prop, but be prepared to spend many hours working on something no one will ever really know how many hours went into it, except for when they see  the exterior skins added, or when the project you have been working on, lights up and comes to to life!

animatronic predator - 2008

I can not find any video showing the Predator undermask shown above but I do have one from a more basic design and one of the first animatronic Predator suits I made.

Wireless tri-laser control for Predator bio- helmet. - 2008

Alien Scientist - 2009

The designs I was given to work with for this project, was to create and Alien scientist with 6 eyes a working mouth and four arms.


The only electronic parts for this suit was the LED lights in the mask and glow wire. The arms were controlled the old fashion way with cables and hand controls.

Alien Grey rosweel costume suit
Alien mask silicone

Film Equiptment

I did some experimenting from 2003-2010 with building my own camera jibs, dollies, steady cams, tracks and just about everything that I needed to work on personal film projects I was working on at that time,


I could not afford the outrageous cost to own even one of these, so I made my own.

Animatronic Alien mask AVPR
Wampa mask Costume
Wampa mask costume
Wampa mask costume
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